Attendance Matters

It is important that every child is in school every day and on time. Leave of absence will only be granted in "EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES" which is at the discretion of Mrs Hoad, Head of School Primary.

Regular school attendance is an important part of giving your child the best start in life, both educationally and socially. Each year, every school is obliged to send home a report showing a child’s attendance over the year. To emphasise the importance of attendance we send these letters termly to help you keep track of your child’s attendance. The table below shows what your child’s attendance figure means in terms of learning time lost.

Attendance percentage Sessions absent by the end of the school year School time missed by the end of Year 11 Impact on learning
100 – 96% 0 - 19 0 – 105 days Good
Best chance to celebrate success
95 – 92% 20 – 37 106 – 208 days Worrying
Less chance of celebrating success. Makes it harder to make progress.
91% and lower 38 and more More than 209 days Serious Concern
Will impact significantly on attainment and progress

At St Mark’s Church of England School we aim to promote very high attendance to ensure that all pupils benefit from their time with us, both academically and socially.

Please click on the link below to read our Attendance Policy.