Collective Worship

Collective Worship

Collective Worship is central to the life of our school, helping to establish a strong
sense of community by providing opportunities to celebrate, reflect and explore
our core Christian values of Love, Belonging and Service. It is distinctively
Christian in nature and is reflective of the Anglican calendar. It always includes
an element of scripture, a spiritual song or hymn and prayer. Collective worship
at St. Mark’s is a mixture of whole school worship on a Monday, led by either our
Head teacher, Chaplain, Vicar or groups of pupils, weekly singing worship and
class worship. Children and adults are encouraged to share and reflect on how
the core message from the whole school worship impacts on their own lives, both
at school and within the wider community.

To find out more about our Collective Worships, please look at the Collective Worship Policy.

Our school chaplain, Rev Georgia, is in school from Monday to Wednesday. As well as leading Collective Worship, she is available to pupils, staff and parents as a support and listening ear. 

Our aims for Collective Worship:

  • promote the spiritual, moral and cultural development of the pupils
  • be consistent with the values of the school
  • be quality learning opportunities relevant to the pupils’ experience
  • foster a sense of group identify and provide experiences of being part of a community, sharing the values of the school
  • provide a time for reflection on spiritual and moral issues and values, pausing from immediate concerns to consider fundamental questions and the importance of religious
  • beliefs of those who hold them
  • provide opportunities for pupils to consider and explore their own beliefs and those of other people
  • promote respect for the integrity of individuals and faiths
  • provide opportunities for pupils to worship if they so wish
  • encourage participation and response, for example, through active involvement or listening
  • provide opportunities to celebrate such things as achievement and special occasions, and to share feelings such as thankfulness, joy, friendship, sadness or hop

Please see below our Collective Worship Planner for the Summer Term.

Whole School Collective Worship

Week's Theme of the Collective Worship

10th June


17th June

Belonging: Welcoming Strangers

24th June


1st July

Loving our country: what is servant leadership?

8th July

Love: healthy relationships

15th July

Service: Who is my neighbour?

22th July

Endings and Beginnings