Remote Learning

At St Mark's, we have put plans in place to ensure all children are able to continue learning from home if needed. More information regarding our plans can be found below.
For years 1-7, we will be using google classroom for home learning during an extended isolation self-isolation period. The children in Year R will continue to use Tapestry as the platform for their home learning.

In Google Classroom, your teachers will be setting daily work for you. You will also be able to ask your teachers questions about your learning and they will respond and provide feedback to you.

To help with this we have produced a guide that can be found here to show you how to log in and use the classroom. If you have any problems accessing your classroom please contact us straight away by calling the school office and we will support you as soon as possible. We hope that this makes your learning easier and a little more interactive during the time we cannot be with you.

We also know that it is hard for some of you to access the work that is set as your brothers and sisters are also using your family laptops/computer or your parents are working from home and need those resources too. For those of you who are finding it hard to access online work, please let us know as soon as possible so we can support you to ensure that you can still receive a full-time education while at home.