Pupil Premium

The Government introduced additional funding to schools, known as Pupil Premium, based on the number of pupils eligible for free school meals, service children, children in care or children who have been adopted. This is to ensure that socially disadvantaged pupils make progress and attainment in line with all pupils. Schools have the responsibility for allocating this additional funding, based on the particular needs of the individual pupils involved. However, it must be used to narrow the attainment gap of vulnerable pupils.

In making provision for socially disadvantaged pupils, we recognise that not all pupils who are eligible for Pupil Premium will be socially disadvantaged. Similarly, we also recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for Pupil Premium.

Class Teachers and the School Leadership Team closely analyse the impact on individual pupils' achievement, as part of their regular tracking and assessment procedures.

On March 28th 2017, the school received an additional £1000 pupil premium funding from Southampton Local Authority to support our Looked After Children. This extra funding will be used to access Educational Psychologist support, provide additional hours of TA support and to provide educational resources for individual children.

Please click the link below to view our Pupil Premium Strategy. Pupil Premium will be reviewed at the end of the academic year.